There are a lot of common misconceptions surrounding knife crime. Below we have listed some of the most up to date statistics and facts for England and Wales.
Knife crime:
- By the end of March 2017 offences including the use of a knife or sharp instrument reached its highest peak in seven years.
- In the year ending March 2018, 21,044 disposals were given by the police for possession of a knife or sharp implement, young people (aged 10 - 17) were the offenders in 21% of the cases.
- Figures show an increase in hospital admissions following an assault by a sharp implement.
- A report by the CSEW in March 2017 found that 6.2% of 10 - 15 year olds new someone who carried a knife.
- It is important to remember that although knife crime has been increasing over the last number of years, the vast majority of young people do not carry knives.
- Studies show that young people who carry knives - even for self protection - are more likely to be injured.
The law:
- It is illegal to carry an offensive weapon in public. An offensive weapon is anything that can be used to harm another person.
-The law states that anyone over the age of 16 found to be carrying a knife will be charged.
- 16 and 17 year olds will now face a minimum four month Detention and Training order for their second offence if found carrying an offensive weapon.
- The sentence for carrying an offensive weapon is up to 5 years in prison.
- In the eyes of the law there is no good reason to carry a weapon, even if you never intended to use the weapon.
- In the eyes of the law self defence is not a reasonable excuse for carrying a weapon - you will still be arrested.
If you have been affected by knife crime you can get help and support from the following organisations:
Home Office approved site offering information, advice, support and safety resources.
Support After Murder and Manslaughter visit the website here: knifecrimes.org
Helpline: 0845 872 3440
SAMM offers understanding, support and a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on and by being a safety net in times of severe emotional crisis.
If you have information about a crime you can call anonymously on 0800 555 111 or fill in an online form here-
Victim Support
Victim Supportline: 08 08 16 89 111
The national charity which helps people affected by crime. They provide free and confidential support to help you deal with your experience, whether or not you report the crime.
You & Co
Victim Support’s Youth Programme. You & Co will work with you from the moment you experience or witness a crime, until you and your worker feel that you no longer need the support. Feel safer and be safer. Reduce the risks of becoming a victim again by helping you and adults around you make your surroundings safer. Make safer choices. You & co help you move on from your experiences in a positive way.
Your Choice Your Future
Your Choice Your Future isn’t about telling people what to do. It’s not about telling people what is right or wrong. It’s about talking with people to look at the consequences of the choices they make and then providing information to help them make their choice about their future.
The Ben Kinsella Trust
The Trust exists to promote knife-crime awareness – many people believe that knife crime is not their problem and will never affect them. Sadly this is being proven wrong more and more. The Ben Kinsella trust wants to ensure that everyone knows the threat that knife crime poses to every day lives. The trust exists to educate children of all ages about the consequences of knife crime and what it can do to a family. By ensuring children as young as primary school age know the difference between right and wrong and will never consider picking up a weapon, be it through peer pressure, fear or simply believing it is cool, the trust aims to send the message to kids today, that carrying a knife is not acceptable. Above all, Ben’s family urge anyone who carries a knife or weapon to lay it down and think about the pain and suffering they may cause.